Sunday 24 January 2016

What Should a 10 yr old Learn

By 10, a child gets exposed to most aspects of life. That also means that he needs a conceptual framework on the basis of which, he develops his understanding of these aspects. Generally, parents tend to hide the child from some facets or tell him, “You’re not grown up enough to understand. You’ll understand when you grow up.” Often, this response of parents is to cover their own lack of understanding or to pass on their responsibility to someone else.
I’m not referring to sex and violence. Of course, these are included in what I’m talking about.

I think a 10 year old is ready to receive a conceptual and basic understanding of the below subjects. I’m listing subjects, which are typically not covered in academic curriculum in schools. An understanding of these areas will greatly compliment their learning at school.
  1. Micro Economics (Monetary and natural resources)
  2. Personal Finance and Consumer Banking
  3. Principals of Governance
  4. The Political and administrative structure
  5. Human and Animal Psychology
  6. Vocations, professions, business and social service
  7. Sex Education
  8. Food & Nutrition
  9. Health & Healing
  10. Religions

The academic inputs, which include languages, mathematics, science, history and geography are extremely critical and must be imparted with an honest effort to increase understanding and develop skills.

Most of these are factual or exact subjects. However, it is quite natural for parents to color the knowledge with their beliefs and values. This must be avoided. A child will naturally develop an inclination towards either side of the value system and may also switch sides in time. But if the parents advocate a particular side, it may hamper the child’s development of thought. It may also create a dissonance if the child realizes that his personal inclination is not aligned to his parent’s.

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